Now accepting new author submissions

Kingsbridge Publishing is here to assist aspiring and established writers in getting their books published, whether fiction or Non. Let us help you fulfil your goals of getting published. All submissions are taken seriously and will receive a personal response.

Paperback & Hardback - E-books & Digital - Audiobooks - Screenplays - Proof Reading - Editing - Advice - Web Design - Social Media Promotion - ISBN Allocation - Cover Design - Submission to traditional publishers - Illustration and more



Publishing; digital, print and audio

Proof-reading and editing

Cover Design and illustration

Author wesbite creation

Bringing dreams to life...

There are not many other places us authors would rather be than a cozy city bookshop, and what a romantic notion it is to see our own works on its shelves. We may not all commit to making that happen, but we at KP can help bring your words to life, making them available to readers globally and giving you the chance of being discovered. 

If you're confident that your work is original and of the highest quality, we can submit your book to traditional publishers around the world. 

While Kingsbridge Publishing are London-based and our publishing language is English, we operate globally offering our services to aspiring authors of any country or nationality.

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