What do we do?


Publishing to print

There's nothing quite like seeing your work in real print. KP will bring your work to life in the form of a paperback or hardbook book. You'll have complete flexibility on the wordcount, font, dimensions, cover art, dedications, illustrations, and the amount of books you would like to print for yourself, friends and family.

Digital publishing

Ebooks bring flexibility to those who love to read on their digital devices, whether phone, tablet, PC, laptop, Kindle or other device. We can make your book available to read on all these devices, so your readers can turn the page with a simple swipe!

Global distribution

We'll make your printed and digital works available worldwide or in the countries of your choice via Amazon, Kobo and other online bookstores. With our self-publishing option, you will earn 100% royalties on the sale of your books, paid monthly and directly to your bank. 

Traditional publishing

If you believe that your book has what it takes to reach the shelves of high-street bookstores, then we'll act as your agent in submitting your manuscript to traditional publishers in the UK, USA and Canada. You may still make use of our other services such as proof-reading, cover and website design. 

& editing

Nobody's perfect! Our professional authors will manually check every work and punctuation mark in your book ensuring that it is of the highest readable quality. You'll have the choice of allowing us to correct these errors for you, or receiving a report detailing where your work could improve.  

Audiobook conversion

Many now choose the option of listening to books on the go. We can turn your written work into spoken words using the services of a professional human reader, or an AI voice generator. This will give you an additional revenue stream to your print and digital formats. 

Screenplay conversion

A screenplay must be written in a very specific format. If you have an idea that you think would suit Netflix or Hollywood, we can turn your works into a screenplay, or apply our editing and publishing techniques to a draft you have already completed, ready for submission to film-makers, small to large, on a global basis. 

Your very own website

Once you have made your work available for the world to see, you might want to have your own online presence to showcase and sell your work and let the world know more about you. We can also create pages for you in social media platforms such Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and promote your work with Tik-Tok or YouTube campaigns.

ISBN assignment

Every publicly available book requires an International Standard Book Number. This is used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers and other supply-chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records, and stock control purposes. 

The next step

Rather than giving our authors a couple of options, we can offer set packages or tailor-made solutions. Enquire here to see our pricing examples.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
―Louis L'Amour

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