A quick but important word...

Unlike some of the big players in the commercial publishing market, we will never hound you with cold calls promising the world for thousand of dollars or pounds, or expensive 'additional services' once you're already published. We pledge to you a completely transparent service and will only contact you upon your request, or when given your express permission to do so. 


In addition, our pricing is not entirely fixed as each project is as individual as author. While we have a selection of packages, please get in touch if you feel our packages don't cover exactly what you require.


Print and Digital

  • Your finished work published on Amazon and Kobo.
  • We'll format and ready your work for publishing.
  • We'll send you a final draft before publishing 
  • Choose your own pricing and distribution channels.
  • Buyers can download your book or order the paperback or hardback version.

1-150 pages £479

£0.55 per page thereafter

Manuscript submissions

  • We'll format and send your manuscript to traditional publishers worldwide offering you a greater chance of success.
  • Choose your distribution regions (all English speaking countries included).
  • We retain just 1.9% of royalties.
  • Full application management

£349 processing fee including 10 submissions. 

£10 per further submission (plus postage for postal submissions)

Proof-reading & editing

  • Manual and automated (AI) grammar checks.
  • Manual and automated (AI) punctuation and spelling checks. 
  • Your manuscript is marked and returned for correction or review.
  • Choose to allow us to correct your mistakes for you.

£28 per hour (typically 4000 words reviewed per hour).

OR £49 per hour for proof-reading plus full corrections.  

Your own website

  • Detailed pages including graphics, slideshows, shops, payment processing, audio files, downloads and more.
  • Contact and query pages.
  • Testimonial pages.
  • Illustration design, links to social media and more.


£125 for detailed pages.

£25 for simple pages (contact, testimonial, disclaimer etc)

£190 annual hosting fee.

£15 annual domain fee.

Complete an enquiry form

If you're serious about your work, complete this form let us know more about your publishing goals

Have any questions for us?

We're certain you do. So go ahead and click the button below or email us at info@kingsbridge-publishing.com and and we'll aim to respond with 24 hours. 

We need your consent to load the translations

We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.